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West Africa


Mauritania Continues Crackdown on Anti-Slavery Journalism and Activism

This statement was originally published on on April 5, 2018. The authorities in Mauritania have detained and expelled a French-Moroccan photojournalist who was...
Democratic Republic Of CongoGhanaUgandaZimbabwe 

State of Right to Information Report 2017

The Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC) has put together a comprehensive report on the State of #RighttoInformation for 2017 covering 18 African Countries. Kindly...
Sierra Leone 

Sierra Leone Joins Global Trend: Shuts Down Internet and Mobile Services during Elections

The government of Sierra Leone has joined the trend of government-mandated Internet shutdowns during important national events such as elections. Several reports show that...

Baseline Report on Women’s Rights Online Issues in Ghana

The Media Foundation for West Africa has put together a baseline report highlighting issues of women's rights in Ghana's cyberspace. The report identifies challenges...
Democratic Republic Of CongoEthiopiaMaliNigeria 

Pervasive Culture of Impunity in Africa: 95% of Freedom of Expression Violations Left Unpunished

Over 95% Freedom of Expression (FOE) violations recorded in 19 countries in Africa have been left unaddressed by authorities in Africa according, to the...
GhanaLiberiaNigeriaSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanUgandaZimbabwe 

African Internet Governance Stakeholders Urge Governments to Put Premium on Digital Rights of Citizens

The membership of the African Freedom of Expression Exchange (AFEX) and other African internet governance stakeholders attending the Sixth African Internet Governance Forum (AfIGF)...
BurundiCameroonDemocratic Republic Of CongoEgyptEthiopiaGuineaMauritaniaNigeriaSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanTanzaniaUganda 

Stakeholders to Prioritise Safety of Journalists and Issues of Impunity in Africa

Communiqué A one-day Stakeholders’ Dialogue on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity was held in Juba, South Sudan, on Monday, December 11,...
GhanaNigeriaSomaliaSouth AfricaUgandaZimbabwe 

Baseline Study on Internet Freedom in Africa

The African Freedom of Expression Exchange (AFEX) has launched its maiden Internet Freedom in Africa Report at the sixth African Internet Governance Forum on...

Fighting Impunity: Major Breakthrough in The Gambia

This statement was originally published on on November 6, 2017. In what is a major breakthrough in the long fight against impunity in The...

International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists: IPC Demands “Urgent Justice” for Attacked Journalists in Nigeria

This statement was originally published on on November 2, 2017. The International Press Centre (IPC), Lagos-Nigeria has said there should be urgent justice for...

MFWA, Partners to Intensify Efforts on Combating Impunity for Crimes against Journalists as the World Marks IDEI

This statement was originally published on on November 2, 2017. As the world marks the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists...

State Actors on Rampage: 64 days of Physical Attacks, Censorship and Detention

This statement was originally published on on October 3, 2017. Over a period of two months (July 12-September 16, 2017), state actors in Nigeria...